An Exercise in Presence

Kristin Barnes
2 min readDec 31, 2021

Homage to the last day of 2021

Photo by Mitchell Luo from Pexels

When I woke up this morning, I felt inspired to try an exercise in presence. I decided to just close my eyes and listen. Tune in to the world around me. After a few moments, I got a new inspiration to write while listening. This is what came through:

Through the open window in my bedroom, I hear the sounds of life.

A bird chirping. Chittering its morning song.

A dog barking far in the distance.

The swooshing sound of cars driving on the rain-soaked street.

Are they going to work on New Year’s Eve?

(Someone isn’t.

It sounds like they might be sweeping.)


There’s an unidentifiable knocking sound

Could it be clothes in a dryer?

The world grew quiet for a few moments

As if it knew I was listening…


A bird said, “who cares?” and added its voice to the mix

A few others responded in turn

and now the busy bird chittering is back

The puppy next door barked its approval

and a bigger dog replied

(I wish I could know what they’re saying

Guess I’d have to be a dog to understand)


There’s something calming about tuning in to the world around you

In this case, the world just outside my window

at 9:48 am

on New Year’s Eve


Nothing extraordinary

and yet, still magical

It speaks to me of resilience

Life carrying on

as if there never was a


or protests

financial hardships

so much division

All the emotional highs, lows and swing-arounds I felt in the world over the past few years.


The mornings always come

The birds still sing

The dogs keep barking

The ladies sweep the floor

and cars drive by in the morning rain


The world carries on


Giving me hope

That all will be well



Kristin Barnes

Singer. Writer. Creative. Businesswoman. Baha'i. Human. Driven to make a difference in a big way. IG @thekristinbarnes FB Kristin Barnes